Jul 20, 2021
Emma Heuston is a lawyer, author, and entrepreneur. A passionate advocate of work/life balance and the freedom to work from home, Emma is the Founder and Director of The Remote Expert, a virtual law firm delivering legal services and legal information to online business owners across Australia.
In 2011, Emma was on the traditional lawyer-style corporate path –
but a near-death experience changed her views on work/ life balance
and brought with it the realization that life is way too short not
to do exactly as you please. So, Emma and her family moved from
Sydney to far Northern New South Wales in late 2013. After the sea
change, Emma worked remotely at partner level in a law firm for a
number of years. Which was great, until it wasn’t. While it was
flexible, that role didn’t fulfill Emma’s sense of purpose to help
other women say, “what if” and take the leap to start a business on
their own terms.
In 2018, Emma wrote The Tracksuit Economy, her work from home bible, and founded the Remote Expert in 2019, where it has gone from strength to strength helping those with online businesses and assist people who have businesses run from home. Emma has some interesting views on the overuse of the word “scale” when it comes to businesses, especially online businesses, and seeks to change that as part of her work.
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To connect with Emma:
LinkedIn: (1) Emma Heuston | LinkedIn