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The Politics of Everything

May 24, 2022

Privacy is something everyone in the modern era must come to terms with. Our digital footprint is everywhere and protecting our identity from theft or managing who can see our personal details online is a hard one. How much information do you have on who knows what about you as you do your daily routine of doing a spot of internet shopping, searching news articles, sending out emails, or posting a few photos on social media from your laptop or smartphone?

My guest today Marco Bellin, is here to discuss The Politics of Privacy. He is currently the CEO at Datacappy, whose VPN protects you from advertisers, data collectors, and third-party agencies with full-device coverage.

Marco has enjoyed a diverse and long career that includes education, bioscience investing, and more recently, privacy.

After graduating from Vassar College in 1989, Marco started work as a research assistant at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC. There, he developed a passion and an acumen for studying and analyzing biotech stocks which he continues to do to the present day.

In 1992, he founded Science, Technology, and Teaching, which taught 3rd-grade science after school in New York City public schools. Marco then went on to work for ReadSpeak Inc., a private business focused on education through language acquisition. He received his Master’s in Educational Administration from NYU in 1999.

In 2002, he founded Elephant Hill Organic Farm and after the birth of his children, closed the farm and focused solely on biotech investing. In 2016, he founded Blindcut, LLC, an internet privacy company, and now is at the helm of Datacappy. Marco also plays tennis with his dogs and strives to make the world a better place.

We discuss in this podcast:

  1. What drove Marco to lead a company like Datacappy and what problem does the business solve?
  2. How do you 100% know the Datacappy VPN keeps you anonymous and encrypted?
  3. How has tech complicated our privacy in a globally connected world and is that always bad?
  4. What are some of the main ways we are giving up our right to our own sense of pure privacy every time we click on a social media feed like Instagram or order a pizza online and can we do much about it if we want to have the access and convenience of these digital tools?
  5. How can smaller businesses keep up with data privacy compliance?
  6. Why does our kids’ privacy has to be put first.



To connect with Marco:


W: Datacappy VPN & Browser


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